Review Questions

Chapter 3: End-of-Life Dilemmas

1: Describe why there is such a struggle when addressing end-of-life issues.
2: Describe the difference between active and passive euthanasia.
3: Describe the difference between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia.
4: What are the differences between allowing a patient to die and physician-assisted suicide?
5: Examine this statement: “The inherent risk is that society’s faith in doctors as healers would become subverted if doctors participate in physician-assisted suicide.”
6: Constitutionally, what gives patients the right to self-determination?
7: Describe Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act.
8: What was the purpose of the Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990?
9: What are advance directives?
10: Describe how a living will differs from a durable power of attorney for health care.
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